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NCC Partners with Kweni

Watch Christopher Major address the Kweni Chess Club Opening Ceremony!



First Chess Club in Ivory Coast!

Kweni is Developing Africa from the Bottom Up 

 Support Kweni and help Africa grow

Kweni -Who Are We?

We are developing Africa from its base.


We help rural populations engage in income-generating activities. The production and trade of food crops, training in sewing, the artisanal manufacture of soaps and beauty products are some of the activities that offer young women and men in rural communities the means to learn a trade.

Our Story




John Tra, PhD,

President of Kweni Inc.


It is possible to change Africa if the Africans themselves agree to engage in concrete development  actions . No one will be able to save people who refuse to take their destiny into their own hands. The NGO Kweni comes to the aid of populations who want to work for their own development .



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Our Clients

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